Pitching the EP and the creative team of the award-winning digital series as it's second season began, I had an ambitious idea to grow the show's digital footprint; an ambition that matched the story telling world created by Matt Palazzolo's characters.

In season 2 Bloomers went from an audience of 80 subscribers on YouTube to a global audience of 26,000 subscribers and 16 million views at the end of the year following its season wrap.
Bloomers also amassed 19 award nominations and 12 wins.
Part of the rollout included an extra-narrative social plan that involved writing additional content for customized social media accounts.

In the run up to season 3 we were discussing upgrading the series website to allow for us to begin planning around custom ad integrations into season 3 episodes in addition to selling as a publisher on bloomerstheseries.com.
The redesign was done to be customized on WordPress with dynamically generated content driven by traffic fed by our YouTube Chanel, and becoming our single point of audience metering and online focus.